
Houston, TX
United States

Grantee Name
Fort Sam Houston Independent School District

The Three Rs of Rebooting School Culture: Rethink, Rearchitect & Renew: We exist to serve the military child and our vision at Fort Sam Houston ISD in San Antonio, Texas, is to provide a quality education, where every student is a learner, every learner is a graduate, and every graduate is a success. Our objective is to re-think the current Teaching and Learning framework of instructional support and rearchitect, to systematically target math achievement gaps at both the elementary (grades 3-5) and secondary (grades 6-8) schools with 50% of our students not on grade level. Our struggling students need explicit individualized support for success today. We will renew our school culture by hiring and providing customized research-based training for Instructional Coaches to focus on acceleration in learning, increasing math achievement measured by qualitative and quantitative data. The primary role of Instructional Coaches guided by the Coaching Coordinator will be to provide direct and immediate support for new curriculum requirements, non-evaluative feedback, pedagogical modeling, and data informed decision making. In addition, we will incorporate professional learning for teachers interested in strengthening effective leadership skills. Through this rebooting of school culture, we will see a renewed sense of hope from students and teachers alike as we heal from the devastating setbacks of the COVID19 pandemic. Self-efficacy, connections, and well-being will be evident in student and teacher survey data and educational equity will be the norm. Student voice and Social Emotional Learning needs will be met through our newly established research-backed and vertically aligned character education program, improving engagement, increasing belonging, and promoting well-being.

Program title
The Three Rs of Rebooting School Culture: Rethink, Rearchitect & Renew
Grant Program